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C Programming: A Modern Approach (Second Edition)

Brief Contents

Basic Features of C

1 Introducing C 1
2 C Fundamentals 9
3 Formatted Input/Output 37
4 Expressions 53
5 Selection Statements 73
6 Loops 99
7 Basic Types 125
8 Arrays 161
9 Functions 183
10 Program Organization 219

Advanced Features of C

11 Pointers 241
12 Pointers and Arrays 257
13 Strings 277
14 The Preprocessor 315
15 Writing Large Programs 349
16 Structures, Unions, and Enumerations 377
17 Advanced Uses of Pointers 413
18 Declarations 457
19 Program Design 483
20 Low-Level Programming 509

The Standard C Library

21 The Standard Library 529
22 Input/Output 539
23 Library Support for Numbers and Character Data 589
24 Error Handling 627
25 International Features 641
26 Miscellaneous Library Functions 677
27 Additional C99 Support for Mathematics 705


A C Operators 735
B C99 versus C89 737
C C89 versus K&R C 743
D Standard Library Functions 747
E ASCII Character Set 801

Bibliography 803

Index 807

Full Contents

Preface xxi

1 Introducing C 1

1.1 History of C 1
Origins 1
Standardization 2
C-Based Languages 3

1.2 Strengths and Weaknesses of C 4
Strengths 4
Weaknesses 5
Effective Use of C 6

2 C Fundamentals 9

2.1 Writing a Simple Program 9
Program: Printing a Pun 9
Compiling and Linking 10
Integrated Development Environments 11

2.2 The General Form of a Simple Program 12
Directives 12
Functions 13
Statements 14
Printing Strings 14

2.3 Comments 15

2.4 Variables and Assignment 17
Types 17
Declarations 17
Assignment 18
Printing the Value of a Variable 19
Program: Computing the Dimensional Weight of a Box 20
Initialization 21
Printing Expressions 22

2.5 Reading Input 22
Program: Computing the Dimensional Weight of a Box (Revisited) 22

2.6 Defining Names for Constants 23
Program: Converting from Fahrenheit to Celsius 24

2.7 Identifiers 25
Keywords 26

2.8 Layout of a C Program 27

3 Formatted Input/Output 37

3.1 The printf Function 37
Conversion Specifications 38
Program: Using printf to Format Numbers 40
Escape Sequences 41

3.2 The scanf Function 42
How scanf Works 43
Ordinary Characters in Format Strings 45
Confusing printf with scanf 45
Program: Adding Fractions 46

4 Expressions 53

4.1 Arithmetic Operators 54
Operator Precedence and Associativity 55
Program: Computing a UPC Check Digit 56

4.2 Assignment Operators 58
Simple Assignment 58
Lvalues 59
Compound Assignment 60

4.3 Increment and Decrement Operators 61

4.4 Expression Evaluation 62
Order of Subexpression Evaluation 64

4.5 Expression Statements 65

5 Selection Statements 73

5.1 Logical Expressions 74
Relational Operators 74
Equality Operators 75
Logical Operators 75

5.2 The if Statement 76
Compound Statements 77
The else Clause 78
Cascaded if Statements 80
Program: Calculating a Broker's Commission 81
The "Dangling else" Problem 82
Conditional Expressions 83
Boolean Values in C89 84
Boolean Values in C99 85

5.3 The switch Statement 86
The Role of the break Statement 88
Program: Printing a Date in Legal Form 89

6 Loops 99

6.1 The while Statement 99
Infinite Loops 101
Program: Printing a Table of Squares 102
Program: Summing a Series of Numbers 102

6.2 The do Statement 103
Program: Calculating the Number of Digits in an Integer 104

6.3 The for Statement 105
for Statement Idioms 106
Omitting Expressions in a for Statement 107
for Statements in C99 108
The Comma Operator 109
Program: Printing a Table of Squares (Revisited) 110

6.4 Exiting from a Loop 111
The break Statement 111
The continue Statement 112
The goto Statement 113
Program: Balancing a Checkbook 114

6.5 The Null Statement 116

7 Basic Types 125

7.1 Integer Types 125
Integer Types in C99 128
Integer Constants 128
Integer Constants in C99 129
Integer Overflow 130
Reading and Writing Integers 130
Program: Summing a Series of Numbers (Revisited) 131

7.2 Floating Types 132
Floating Constants 133
Reading and Writing Floating-Point Numbers 134

7.3 Character Types 134
Operations on Characters 135
Signed and Unsigned Characters 136
Arithmetic Types 136
Escape Sequences 137
Character-Handling Functions 138
Reading and Writing Characters using scanf and printf 139
Reading and Writing Characters using getchar and putchar 140
Program: Determining the Length of a Message 141

7.4 Type Conversion 142
The Usual Arithmetic Conversions 143
Conversion During Assignment 145
Implicit Conversions in C99 146
Casting 147

7.5 Type Definitions 149
Advantages of Type Definitions 149
Type Definitions and Portability 150

7.6 The sizeof Operator 151

8 Arrays 161

8.1 One-Dimensional Arrays 161
Array Subscripting 162
Program: Reversing a Series of Numbers 164
Array Initialization 164
Designated Initializers 165
Program: Checking a Number for Repeated Digits 166
Using the sizeof Operator with Arrays 167
Program: Computing Interest 168

8.2 Multidimensional Arrays 169
Initializing a Multidimensional Array 171
Constant Arrays 172
Program: Dealing a Hand of Cards 172

8.3 Variable-Length Arrays (C99) 174

9 Functions 183

9.1 Defining and Calling Functions 183
Program: Computing Averages 184
Program: Printing a Countdown 185
Program: Printing a Pun (Revisited) 186
Function Definitions 187
Function Calls 189
Program: Testing Whether a Number Is Prime 190

9.2 Function Declarations 191

9.3 Arguments 193
Argument Conversions 194
Array Arguments 195
Variable-Length Array Parameters 198
Using static in Array Parameter Declarations 200
Compound Literals 200

9.4 The return Statement 201

9.5 Program Termination 202
The exit Function 203

9.6 Recursion 204
The Quicksort Algorithm 205
Program: Quicksort 207

10 Program Organization 219

10.1 Local Variables 219
Static Local Variables 220
Parameters 221

10.2 External Variables 221
Example: Using External Variables to Implement a Stack 221
Pros and Cons of External Variables 222
Program: Guessing a Number 224

10.3 Blocks 227

10.4 Scope 228

10.5 Organizing a C Program 229
Program: Classifying a Poker Hand 230

11 Pointers 241

11.1 Pointer Variables 241
Declaring Pointer Variables 242

11.2 The Address and Indirection Operators 243
The Address Operator 243
The Indirection Operator 244

11.3 Pointer Assignment 245

11.4 Pointers as Arguments 247
Program: Finding the Largest and Smallest Elements in an Array 249
Using const to Protect Arguments 250

11.5 Pointers as Return Values 251

12 Pointers and Arrays 257

12.1 Pointer Arithmetic 257
Adding an Integer to a Pointer 258
Subtracting an Integer from a Pointer 259
Subtracting One Pointer from Another 259
Comparing Pointers 260
Pointers to Compound Literals 260

12.2 Using Pointers for Array Processing 260
Combining the * and ++ Operators 262

12.3 Using an Array Name as a Pointer 263
Program: Reversing a Series of Numbers (Revisited) 264
Array Arguments (Revisited) 265
Using a Pointer as an Array Name 266

12.4 Pointers and Multidimensional Arrays 267
Processing the Elements of a Multidimensional Array 267
Processing the Rows of a Multidimensional Array 268
Processing the Columns of a Multidimensional Array 269
Using the Name of a Multidimensional Array as a Pointer 269

12.5 Pointers and Variable-Length Arrays (C99) 270

13 Strings 277

13.1 String Literals 277
Escape Sequences in String Literals 278
Continuing a String Literal 278
How String Literals Are Stored 279
Operations on String Literals 279
String Literals versus Character Constants 280

13.2 String Variables 281
Initializing a String Variable 281
Character Arrays versus Character Pointers 283

13.3 Reading and Writing Strings 284
Writing Strings Using printf and puts 284
Reading Strings Using scanf and gets 285
Reading Strings Character by Character 286

13.4 Accessing the Characters in a String 287

13.5 Using the C String Library 289
The strcpy (String Copy) Function 290
The strlen (String Length) Function 291
The strcat (String Concatenation) Function 291
The strcmp (String Comparison) Function 292
Program: Printing a One-Month Reminder List 293

13.6 String Idioms 296
Searching for the End of a String 296
Copying a String 298

13.7 Arrays of Strings 300
Command-Line Arguments 302
Program: Checking Planet Names 303

14 The Preprocessor 315

14.1 How the Preprocessor Works 315

14.2 Preprocessing Directives 318

14.3 Macro Definitions 319
Simple Macros 319
Parameterized Macros 321
The # Operator 324
The ## Operator 324
General Properties of Macros 325
Parentheses in Macro Definitions 326
Creating Longer Macros 328
Predefined Macros 329
Additional Predefined Macros in C99 330
Empty Macro Arguments 331
Macros with a Variable Number of Arguments 332
The __func__ Identifier 333

14.4 Conditional Compilation 333
The #if and #endif Directives 334
The defined Operator 335
The #ifdef and #ifndef Directives 335
The #elif and #else Directives 336
Uses of Conditional Compilation 337

14.5 Miscellaneous Directives 338
The #error Directive 338
The #line Directive 339
The #pragma Directive 340
The _Pragma Operator 341

15 Writing Large Programs 349

15.1 Source Files 349

15.2 Header Files 350
The #include Directive 351
Sharing Macro Definitions and Type Definitions 353
Sharing Function Prototypes 354
Sharing Variable Declarations 355
Nested Includes 357
Protecting Header Files 357
#error Directives in Header Files 358

15.3 Dividing a Program into Files 359
Program: Text Formatting 359

15.4 Building a Multiple-File Program 366
Makefiles 366
Errors During Linking 368
Rebuilding a Program 369
Defining Macros Outside a Program 371

16 Structures, Unions, and Enumerations 377

16.1 Structure Variables 377
Declaring Structure Variables 378
Initializing Structure Variables 379
Designated Initializers 380
Operations on Structures 381

16.2 Structure Types 382
Declaring a Structure Tag 383
Defining a Structure Type 384
Structures as Arguments and Return Values 384
Compound Literals 386

16.3 Nested Arrays and Structures 386
Nested Structures 387
Arrays of Structures 387
Initializing an Array of Structures 388
Program: Maintaining a Parts Database 389

16.4 Unions 396
Using Unions to Save Space 398
Using Unions to Build Mixed Data Structures 399
Adding a "Tag Field" to a Union 400

16.5 Enumerations 401
Enumeration Tags and Type Names 402
Enumerations as Integers 403
Using Enumerations to Declare "Tag Fields" 404

17 Advanced Uses of Pointers 413

17.1 Dynamic Storage Allocation 414
Memory Allocation Functions 414
Null Pointers 414

17.2 Dynamically Allocated Strings 416
Using malloc to Allocate Memory for a String 416
Using Dynamic Storage Allocation in String Functions 417
Arrays of Dynamically Allocated Strings 418
Program: Printing a One-Month Reminder List (Revisited) 418

17.3 Dynamically Allocated Arrays 420
Using malloc to Allocate Storage for an Array 420
The calloc Function 421
The realloc Function 421

17.4 Deallocating Storage 422
The free Function 423
The "Dangling Pointer" Problem 424

17.5 Linked Lists 424
Declaring a Node Type 425
Creating a Node 425
The -> Operator 426
Inserting a Node at the Beginning of a Linked List 427
Searching a Linked List 429
Deleting a Node from a Linked List 431
Ordered Lists 433
Program: Maintaining a Parts Database (Revisited) 433

17.6 Pointers to Pointers 438

17.7 Pointers to Functions 439
Function Pointers as Arguments 439
The qsort Function 440
Other Uses of Function Pointers 442
Program: Tabulating the Trigonometric Functions 443

17.8 Restricted Pointers (C99) 445

17.9 Flexible Array Members (C99) 447

18 Declarations 457

18.1 Declaration Syntax 457

18.2 Storage Classes 459
Properties of Variables 459
The auto Storage Class 460
The static Storage Class 461
The extern Storage Class 462
The register Storage Class 463
The Storage Class of a Function 464
Summary 465

18.3 Type Qualifiers 466

18.4 Declarators 467
Deciphering Complex Declarations 468
Using Type Definitions to Simplify Declarations 470

18.5 Initializers 470
Uninitialized Variables 472

18.6 Inline Functions (C99) 472
Inline Definitions 473
Restrictions on Inline Functions 474
Using Inline Functions with GCC 475

19 Program Design 483

19.1 Modules 484
Cohesion and Coupling 486
Types of Modules 486

19.2 Information Hiding 487
A Stack Module 487

19.3 Abstract Data Types 491
Encapsulation 492
Incomplete Types 492

19.4 A Stack Abstract Data Type 493
Defining the Interface for the Stack ADT 493
Implementing the Stack ADT Using a Fixed-Length Array 495
Changing the Item Type in the Stack ADT 496
Implementing the Stack ADT Using a Dynamic Array 497
Implementing the Stack ADT Using a Linked List 499

19.5 Design Issues for Abstract Data Types 502
Naming Conventions 502
Error Handling 502
Generic ADTs 503
ADTs in Newer Languages 503

20 Low-Level Programming 509

20.1 Bitwise Operators 509
Bitwise Shift Operators 510
Bitwise Complement, And, Exclusive Or, and Inclusive Or 511
Using the Bitwise Operators to Access Bits 512
Using the Bitwise Operators to Access Bit-Fields 513
Program: XOR Encryption 514

20.2 Bit-Fields in Structures 516
How Bit-Fields Are Stored 517

20.3 Other Low-Level Techniques 518
Defining Machine-Dependent Types 518
Using Unions to Provide Multiple Views of Data 519
Using Pointers as Addresses 520
Program: Viewing Memory Locations 521
The volatile Type Qualifier 523

21 The Standard Library 529

21.1 Using the Library 529
Restrictions on Names Used in the Library 530
Functions Hidden by Macros 531

21.2 C89 Library Overview 531

21.3 C99 Library Changes 534

21.4 The <stddef.h> Header: Common Definitions 535

21.5 The <stdbool.h> Header (C99): Boolean Type and Values 536

22 Input/Output 539

22.1 Streams 540
File Pointers 540
Standard Streams and Redirection 540
Text Files versus Binary Files 541

22.2 File Operations 543
Opening a File 543
Modes 544
Closing a File 545
Attaching a File to an Open Stream 546
Obtaining File Names from the Command Line 546
Program: Checking Whether a File Can Be Opened 547
Temporary Files 548
File Buffering 549
Miscellaneous File Operations 551

22.3 Formatted I/O 551
The …printf Functions 552
…printf Conversion Specifications 552
C99 Changes to …printf Conversion Specifications 555
Examples of …printf Conversion Specifications 556
The …scanf Functions 558
…scanf Format Strings 559
…scanf Conversion Specifications 560
C99 Changes to …scanf Conversion Specifications 562
scanf Examples 563
Detecting End-of-File and Error Conditions 564

22.4 Character I/O 566
Output Functions 566
Input Functions 567
Program: Copying a File 568

22.5 Line I/O 569
Output Functions 569
Input Functions 570

22.6 Block I/O 571

22.7 File Positioning 572
Program: Modifying a File of Part Records 574

22.8 String I/O 575
Output Functions 576
Input Functions 576

23 Library Support for Numbers and Character Data 589

23.1 The <float.h> Header: Characteristics of Floating Types 589

23.2 The <limits.h> Header: Sizes of Integer Types 591

23.3 The <math.h> Header (C89): Mathematics 593
Errors 593
Trigonometric Functions 594
Hyperbolic Functions 595
Exponential and Logarithmic Functions 595
Power Functions 596
Nearest Integer, Absolute Value, and Remainder Functions 596

23.4 The <math.h> Header (C99): Mathematics 597
IEEE Floating-Point Standard 598
Types 599
Macros 600
Errors 600
Functions 601
Classification Macros 602
Trigonometric Functions 603
Hyperbolic Functions 603
Exponential and Logarithmic Functions 604
Power and Absolute Value Functions 605
Error and Gamma Functions 606
Nearest Integer Functions 606
Remainder Functions 608
Manipulation Functions 608
Maximum, Minimum, and Positive Difference Functions 609
Floating Multiply-Add 610
Comparison Macros 611

23.5 The <ctype.h> Header: Character Handling 612
Character-Classification Functions 612
Program: Testing the Character-Classification Functions 613
Character Case-Mapping Functions 614
Program: Testing the Case-Mapping Functions 614

23.6 The <string.h> Header: String Handling 615
Copying Functions 616
Concatenation Functions 617
Comparison Functions 617
Search Functions 619
Miscellaneous Functions 622

24 Error Handling 627

24.1 The <assert.h> Header: Diagnostics 628

24.2 The <errno.h> Header: Errors 629
The perror and strerror Functions 630

24.3 The <signal.h> Header: Signal Handling 631
Signal Macros 631
The signal Function 632
Predefined Signal Handlers 633
The raise Function 634
Program: Testing Signals 634

24.4 The <setjmp.h> Header: Nonlocal Jumps 635
Program: Testing setjmp/longjmp 636

25 International Features 641

25.1 The <locale.h> Header: Localization 642
Categories 642
The setlocale Function 643
The localeconv Function 644

25.2 Multibyte Characters and Wide Characters 647
Multibyte Characters 648
Wide Characters 649
Unicode and the Universal Character Set 649
Encodings of Unicode 650
Multibyte/Wide-Character Conversion Functions 651
Multibyte/Wide-String Conversion Functions 653

25.3 Digraphs and Trigraphs 654
Trigraphs 654
Digraphs 655
The <iso646.h> Header: Alternative Spellings 656

25.4 Universal Character Names (C99) 656

25.5 The <wchar.h> Header (C99): Extended Multibyte and Wide-Character Utilities 657
Stream Orientation 658
Formatted Wide-Character Input/Output Functions 659
Wide-Character Input/Output Functions 661
General Wide-String Utilities 662
Wide-Character Time-Conversion Functions 667
Extended Multibyte/Wide-Character Conversion Utilities 667

25.6 The <wctype.h> Header (C99): Wide-Character
Classification and Mapping Utilities 671
Wide-Character Classification Functions 671
Extensible Wide-Character Classification Functions 672
Wide-Character Case-Mapping Functions 673
Extensible Wide-Character Case-Mapping Functions 673

26 Miscellaneous Library Functions 677

26.1 The <stdarg.h> Header: Variable Arguments 677
Calling a Function with a Variable Argument List 679
The v…printf Functions 680
The v…scanf Functions 681

26.2 The <stdlib.h> Header: General Utilities 682
Numeric Conversion Functions 682
Program: Testing the Numeric Conversion Functions 684
Pseudo-Random Sequence Generation Functions 686
Program: Testing the Pseudo-Random Sequence Generation Functions 687
Communication with the Environment 687
Searching and Sorting Utilities 689
Program: Determining Air Mileage 690
Integer Arithmetic Functions 691

26.3 The <time.h> Header: Date and Time 692
Time Manipulation Functions 693
Time Conversion Functions 695
Program: Displaying the Date and Time 698

27 Additional C99 Support for Mathematics 705

27.1 The <stdint.h> Header (C99): Integer Types 705
<stdint.h> Types 706
Limits of Specified-Width Integer Types 707
Limits of Other Integer Types 708
Macros for Integer Constants 708

27.2 The <inttypes.h> Header (C99): Format Conversion of Integer Types 709
Macros for Format Specifiers 710
Functions for Greatest-Width Integer Types 711

27.3 Complex Numbers (C99) 712
Definition of Complex Numbers 713
Complex Arithmetic 714
Complex Types in C99 714
Operations on Complex Numbers 715
Conversion Rules for Complex Types 715

27.4 The <complex.h> Header (C99): Complex Arithmetic 717
<complex.h> Macros 717
<complex.h> Functions 718
Trigonometric Functions 719
Hyperbolic Functions 720
Exponential and Logarithmic Functions 721
Power and Absolute-Value Functions 721
Manipulation Functions 722
Program: Finding the Roots of a Quadratic Equation 722

27.5 The <tgmath.h> Header (C99): Type-Generic Math 723
Type-Generic Macros 724
Invoking a Type-Generic Macro 725

27.6 The <fenv.h> Header (C99): Floating-Point Environment 726
Floating-Point Status Flags and Control Modes 727
<fenv.h> Macros 727
The FENV_ACCESS Pragma 728
Floating-Point Exception Functions 729
Rounding Functions 730
Environment Functions 730

Appendix A – C Operators 735

Appendix B – C99 versus C89 737

Appendix C – C89 versus K&R C 743

Appendix D – Standard Library Functions 747

Appendix E – ASCII Character Set 801

Bibliography 803

Index 807

Copyright © 2008 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. All rights reserved.


Copyright © 1999-2009 K. N. King. All rights reserved.