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C Programming: A Modern Approach (Second Edition)

Chapter 6

Answers to Selected Exercises

4. [was #10] (c) is not equivalent to (a) and (b), because i is incremented before the loop body is executed.

10. [was #12] Consider the following while loop:

while (…) {

The equivalent code using goto would have the following appearance:

while (…) {
  goto loop_end;
  loop_end: ;   /* null statement */

12. [was #14]

for (d = 2; d * d <= n; d++)
  if (n % d == 0)

The if statement that follows the loop will need to be modified as well:

if (d * d <= n)
  printf("%d is divisible by %d\n", n, d);
  printf("%d is prime\n", n);

14. [was #16] The problem is the semicolon at the end of the first line. If we remove it, the statement is now correct:

if (n % 2 == 0)
  printf("n is even\n");

Answers to Selected Programming Projects

2. [was #2]

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
  int m, n, remainder;

  printf("Enter two integers: ");
  scanf("%d%d", &m, &n);

  while (n != 0) {
    remainder = m % n;
    m = n;
    n = remainder;

  printf("Greatest common divisor: %d\n", m);

  return 0;

4. [was #4]

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
  float commission, value;

  printf("Enter value of trade: ");
  scanf("%f", &value);

  while (value != 0.0f) {
    if (value < 2500.00f)
      commission = 30.00f + .017f * value;
    else if (value < 6250.00f)
      commission = 56.00f + .0066f * value;
    else if (value < 20000.00f)
      commission = 76.00f + .0034f * value;
    else if (value < 50000.00f)
      commission = 100.00f + .0022f * value;
    else if (value < 500000.00f)
      commission = 155.00f + .0011f * value;
      commission = 255.00f + .0009f * value;

    if (commission < 39.00f)
      commission = 39.00f;

    printf("Commission: $%.2f\n\n", commission);

    printf("Enter value of trade: ");
    scanf("%f", &value);

  return 0;

6. [was #6]

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
  int i, n;

  printf("Enter limit on maximum square: ");
  scanf("%d", &n);

  for (i = 2; i * i <= n; i += 2)
    printf("%d\n", i * i);

  return 0;

8. [was #8]

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
  int i, n, start_day;

  printf("Enter number of days in month: ");
  scanf("%d", &n);
  printf("Enter starting day of the week (1=Sun, 7=Sat): ");
  scanf("%d", &start_day);

  /* print any leading "blank dates" */
  for (i = 1; i < start_day; i++)
    printf("   ");

  /* now print the calendar */
  for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
    printf("%3d", i);
    if ((start_day + i - 1) % 7 == 0)

  return 0;

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