Chapter 18
Answers to Selected Exercises
2. [was #2]
(a) extern
(b) static
(c) extern and static (when applied to a local variable)
4. [was #4] If f has never been called previously, the value of f(10)
will be 0. If f has been called five times previously, the value of f(10)
will be 50, since j is incremented once per call.
8. [was #6; modified]
(a) x is an array of ten pointers to functions. Each function takes an int
argument and returns a character.
(b) x is a function that returns a pointer to an array of five integers.
(c) x is a function with no arguments that returns a pointer to a function with an int
argument that returns a pointer to a float value.
(d) x is a function with two arguments. The first argument is an integer, and the second
is a pointer to a function with an int argument and no return value. x
returns a pointer to a function with an int argument and no return value. (Although this example may seem
artificially complex, the signal function—part of the standard C library—has exactly this prototype.
See p. 632 for a discussion of signal .)
10. [was #8]
(a) char *(*p)(char *);
(b) void *f(struct t *p, long int n)(void);
(c) void (*a[])(void) = {insert, search, update, print};
(d) struct t (*b[10])(int, int);
13. [was #10] (a), (c), and (d) are legal. (b) is illegal; the initializer for a variable with static
storage duration must be a constant expression, and i * i doesn't qualify.
15. [was #12] (a). Variables with static storage duration are initialized to zero by default; variables with
automatic storage duration have no default initial value.
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