/********************************************************* * From C PROGRAMMING: A MODERN APPROACH, Second Edition * * By K. N. King * * Copyright (c) 2008, 1996 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. * * All rights reserved. * * This program may be freely distributed for class use, * * provided that this copyright notice is retained. * *********************************************************/ /* tclassify.c (Chapter 23, page 613) */ /* Tests the character-classification functions */ #include #include #define TEST(f) printf(" %c ", f(*p) ? 'x' : ' ') int main(void) { char *p; printf(" alnum cntrl graph print" " space xdigit\n" " alpha digit lower punct" " upper\n"); for (p = "azAZ0 !\t"; *p != '\0'; p++) { if (iscntrl(*p)) printf("\\x%02x:", *p); else printf(" %c:", *p); TEST(isalnum); TEST(isalpha); TEST(iscntrl); TEST(isdigit); TEST(isgraph); TEST(islower); TEST(isprint); TEST(ispunct); TEST(isspace); TEST(isupper); TEST(isxdigit); printf("\n"); } return 0; }